Thursday, April 29, 2010

Back in the saddle again.

Now, admittedly, my Radish Art ("Of Mice and Mushrooms") might not be the dramatic re-entry into my art blog that some of you might have come to expect from me. But, they do make you smile, don't they? And it means that my creative process is back at work. It's true, I have been decidedly absent from my blog in the past few months. Not that anyone has asked for a written excuse from my mother (who is certainly smiling down from her perch in heaven as I write this), but (and here is the excuses section) there were the holidays, a trip to Thailand, the excitement over a new grandson who is due to emerge in the next few weeks, the current grandsons that always liven up my life, moving to a new apartment and ... did I mention I met a boy? We could just title this "Melanie in Love" and everyone would understand.

So... we needed a companion piece to join my Big Tomatoes on the new dining room walls, so I set out to find inspiration in the produce department at my local friendly supermarket. I found this little bunch of radishes that spoke to me. I did some photo work with them and made some sketches. Then I carved them into mice and mushrooms. I know there is a painting somewhere in the radishes.

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